0379 or +62379 landline phone codes of Alor Islands East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

On this page you can see groups of landline phone numbers 0379 or +62379 of Alor Islands East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. To search for the needed phone number, use the "Search" field. You can also select the desired city or phone code, the next page allows you to select the required range of numbers, then the number for which you are looking for information.

Phone range 037900000000 - 037909990000 or +6237900000000 - +6237909990000

Phone range 037910000000 - 037919990000 or +6237910000000 - +6237919990000

Phone range 037920000000 - 037929990000 or +6237920000000 - +6237929990000

Phone range 037930000000 - 037939990000 or +6237930000000 - +6237939990000

Phone range 037940000000 - 037949990000 or +6237940000000 - +6237949990000

Phone range 037950000000 - 037959990000 or +6237950000000 - +6237959990000

Phone range 037960000000 - 037969990000 or +6237960000000 - +6237969990000

Phone range 037970000000 - 037979990000 or +6237970000000 - +6237979990000

Phone range 037980000000 - 037989990000 or +6237980000000 - +6237989990000

Phone range 037990000000 - 037999990000 or +6237990000000 - +6237999990000